Blog and News
Catch the latest events, news and thoughts for Keith Goode.

Here Come The Judge: US Search Awards in Vegas
I'm honored and excited to announce that I've been asked to serve as a judge for the US Search Awards again for 2019. The US Search Awards is regarded as the premiere celebration of SEO, PPC and content marketing in the US, rewarding the expertise, talent and...

Search Experience Framework: From SEO Strategy to Meaningful Tasks
For years, I've talked about the importance of looking at your search engine optimization efforts through the lens of a framework. Having a framework makes it easier to prioritize problems and solutions, to understand their impact, and to begin to estimate their...

Pubcon Florida Follow-up: Sprint Sizing
What a fantastic few days I had in Fort Lauderdale attending the annual Pubcon Florida conference. This was the first Pubcon for which I would be presenting on the main stage, and my topic was a doozy - Agile Methodology for Marketing. Not surprisingly, there were...

Judging for the Interactive Marketing Awards 2019
The Interactive Marketing Awards are back for 2019, and time is short for getting your entries in! I am proud to announce that I will again be a member of the judging panel for the 2019 Interactive Marketing Awards, which are returning for their second year during...

Rockin’ the Main Stage at Pubcon Florida!
I've had the honor of speaking at Pubcon, the top digital marketing conference series, since 2015, either at a regional event or at the main event in Las Vegas. It has given me the opportunity to become friends with some of the smartest people I've ever met, and I'm...

A New Site for 2019
After much hemming and hawing, many months of procrastination, and a fair amount of apathy, I have decided to relaunch
Click here to see video interviews, presentations, and podcasts featuring Keith Goode.
Slide Decks
Click here to see the presentation slide decks presented at conferences and in classes by Keith Goode
Want to book me?
Get in touch to discuss having Keith speak at your event.