I’ve had the honor of speaking at Pubcon, the top digital marketing conference series, since 2015, either at a regional event or at the main event in Las Vegas. It has given me the opportunity to become friends with some of the smartest people I’ve ever met, and I’m thankful to the Pubcon team for taking a chance on me four years ago.

Visit PubconImagine my surprise late last year when Brett Tabke asked me to speak on the Main Stage at Pubcon Florida 2019 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Rather than being one of two or three panelists, which is normally the case, I’ll have the full hour to myself. This is indeed a great honor.

Presentation Topic

I’ll be discussing how marketing organizations in the largest, most well-known companies have integrated Agile methodologies into their day-to-day processes. It’s one thing to have a broader search experience optimization framework, which I’ve advocated for in many of my previous presentations, but to be able to break that philosophy down into release-sized, sprint-sized, and daily activity-sized goals and tasks can be more of a challenge. How do enterprise in-House SEO teams do that?

More importantly, how do large organizations develop a replicable and repeatable system of success in search? I’ll walk attendees through the iterative development process called Agile and show them how to integrate it into their teams. I’ve had the privilege of working with two large organizations that have gone Agile, and I’m a certified Scrum Master as well. So this should be a lot of fun … for me and for attendees.

Attend Pubcon

If you’d like to see me speak at Pubcon Florida, March 5-7th, be sure to register here. For 15% off of the standard rate, use my speaker code (rc-1609315) before February 1st, 2019. This code does expire on that date and can’t be used with any other discount code.

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